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While we would love to be the only resource that you need, we understand that's just not realistic. Please review the list of additional resources below for helpful information and programs you may be eligible for.
Area Agency on Aging of Southeast Michigan
Area Agency on Aging provides programs and resources for older adults to help them live safely and comfortably at home.
The Senior Alliance funds and administers a network of services for older adults in 34 communities in Southern and Western Wayne County.
State of Michigan Offices of Services to the Aging
AASA provides resources to support Michigan's aging population to help them live well as they age.
U.S. Government: Senior Resources
HHS provides information on how to age healthier and live a productive, meaningful life.
Medicare is health insurance available to adults over 65. Stay up to date on any changes in your coverage.
You are eligible for Social Security benefits starting at age 62.
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
As a retired adult, you are eligible for many discounts and other programs that you may not be aware of.
NIA conducts research to help understand the aging process and how to extend the healthy, active years of life. Their primary research is currently focused on Alzheimers.
LeadingAge provides resources for older adults to help fight ageism and help them age happily and safely.
U.S. Government Administration on Aging
AOA promotes the well-being of older adults through programs and services designed to allow them to live independently in their homes and communities for as long as possible.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Resources and benefits for our veterans. Additionally, if your loved one, or their spouse, was a War Time Veteran, they may be eligible for additional money to help bring down the costs of senior living. The eligible service dates are as follows:
WWI 5-9-1916 to 11-11-1918
WWII 12-7-1941 to 12-31-1946
Korea 6-27-1950 to 1-31-1955
Vietnam 8-5-1964 to 5-7-1975
Gulf/Iraq 8-20-1990 to Present
Affordable Housing Lists - Oakland & Macomb County
Affordable or Subsidized housing is government sponsored economic assistance aimed towards alleviating housing costs and expenses for individuals with low to moderate incomes.
Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan
NLSM provides legal services for those that cannot afford them in addition to working with those that are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Their services are available to residents of Wayne County.